Sacred Geometry Shapes Dodecahedron Icosahedraon
Sacred Geometry Shapes Dodecahedron Icosahedraon
These cute little geometric shapes make for great pocket stones or they display nicely as they are self standing.
Some are dodecahedrons (12 sided polygon) and some are icosahedrons (20 sided polygon).
~ .75"
The dodecahedron is the fourth Platonic solid and has 12 pentagonal sides. It's a three-dimensional representation of the symmetry of the pentagon and the "Golden Ratio". Each Platonic solid is believed to represent the foundation of one of nature's elements, with the dodecahedron being spirit. It is said to bring Spiritual Ascension (meditating with the dodecahedron elevates consciousness, facilitating a deeper connection with higher realms and spiritual guides) and Expanding Awareness (this shape can help expand your awareness beyond the physical plane, providing insights into the nature of reality and the universe).
The icosahedron is the fifth and final Platonic solid, a shape that is considered to be one of the most primitive, stable, and balanced in the universe. Each Platonic solid is believed to represent the foundation of one of nature's elements, with the icosahedron being water. The icosahedron is a symbol of harmony, transformation, and the interconnectedness of all things.