Rainbow Moonstone Worry Stone
Rainbow Moonstone Worry Stone
Worry Stones are like small oval shaped palm stones that have a thumb sized indentation on one side. They are often used in meditation or to invite in a calming energy.
By holding and rubbing a worry stone, you can focus your attention on the present moment and calm your mind.
Emotional Balance, Intuition, Serenity
Aka White Labradorite. The black inclusions are black tourmaline. Beautiful blue flash when viewed under good lighting at certain angles.
Rainbow Moonstone is said to be the stone of new beginnings. It is often used to tap into wisdom, intuition, insight, and creativity. It is said to aid in calmness, control, balance, confidence, composure, peace of mind, and compassion.
Affirmation: "I am balanced and in tune with my emotions."
You will receive one intuitively selected Rainbow Moonstone Worry stone.
~1.4 x 1.1 x .3"
Locality: from India